First public consultation 19th October – 26th November, 2021
A first public consultation for the South Irish Sea project was held from 19th October – 26th November, 2021. This consultation provided an early opportunity to learn about the South Irish Sea project, meet the team, and provide your views on the project.
As part of this consultation, Energia’s project team held a public webinar on Tuesday, 9th November, 2021. The webinar provided an overview of the South Irish Sea project and included a Q&A session. A recording of the webinar can be viewed below. Indicative photo illustrations were also published as part of this consultation and can be viewed below.
We wish to thank everyone who took part in the first consultation. Your feedback is important and can help to shape the development of the South Irish Sea project.
Our liaison officers are available to discuss the project and can be contacted using the details below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need offshore renewable energy?
We are facing a global climate emergency. Offshore wind energy projects are needed if we are to decarbonise our energy supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions – protecting our environment for current and future generations.
Our communities and businesses need clean, affordable, reliable energy to thrive and grow.
Ireland has a real opportunity when it comes to offshore wind energy. Favourable wind speeds and sea conditions provide an ideal environment for generating green electricity offshore. But we must act now if we are to harness the power of nature in the fight against climate change.
How much of Ireland’s electricity needs would be met by the South Irish Sea project?
According to Census 2016, there were just over 1.7 million occupied homes in Ireland. The South Irish Sea project could generate clean electricity to power the equivalent of 500,000 homes.
What would be the expected timeframe should the location prove suitable for an offshore wind farm?
Since the introduction of the state-led development process we are awaiting publication of the final DMAP and the ORESS 2.1 auction to be carried out in 2024 and into 2025. The successful bidder of that auction can then go to planning stage with the possibility of starting construction a number of years after with operation of the windfarm from 2033 onwards. See Project Timeline in the Project tab.
What environmental, economic and social benefits will South Irish Sea deliver?
- Clean electricity to supply over 500,000 homes
- Reduced emissions and a cleaner environment
- €2bn investment delivering €500m into the regional and national economy
- Offshore wind energy can be a key enabler to unlock new infrastructure investment in Ireland’s ports and maritime businesses
- Approximately 1,200 Full Time Equivalent jobs during construction
- Between 70-100 full-time local jobs during operation for 25 years
- Local operations and maintenance base
- Multi-million Euro community benefit fund for local projects.
How can I talk to someone about the project?
As a leading energy supplier and a responsible owner and long-term operator of renewable energy projects, Energia Group and Vårgrønn understand the importance of building lasting relationships with the communities we serve.
We previously appointed both a Community Liaison Officer (CLO) and Fisheries Liaison Officer (FLO) to work closely with the local community and fishing communities as well as maritime interest stakeholders. As the process has moved to state-led and we are awaiting the publication of the final DMAP. Our Offshore Stakeholder and Communications Manager is available to discuss the current project and to answer any queries or issues you may have. Contact details are below.
What will the wind farm look like?
A detailed Seascape, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA) will be carried out as part of the environmental assessment process. A photomontage is available to view on this website here: https://sis.macroworks.ie/
As part of the project development process, we will be undertaking community and stakeholder engagement, including further public consultation periods if successful in the ORESS 2.1 auction and during the planning application stage. In the meantime, you can contact our Offshore Stakeholder and Communications Manager.
What is the community benefit scheme?
A multi-million Euro community benefit fund will operate over the lifetime of the project. Guidance on how this will work will be set out in the Government’s Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) for ORESS 2.1. Once established, the Fund Administrator, a third party, will identify suitable projects which can be supported through the funds, ensuring that local communities benefit in an optimal way.
Will the energy be exported?
All electricity generated by the South Irish Sea Project will be supplied to the Irish electricity grid.
Will the surveys impact upon fishing in the East and South East?
The proposed marine surveys are not expected to have any significant impacts for the fishing industry.
Our Fisheries Liaison Officers have worked closely with the fishing community and maritime interest stakeholders in advance of the surveys commencing, to ensure that fishing can continue during the survey works.
Energia Group and Vårgrønn are fully committed to supporting co-existence and co-operation with the fishing community throughout all stages of the South Irish Sea project. Further information on the marine surveys and site investigations is provided here.