Climate Change
We are facing a global climate emergency and must act now to harness the power of nature to address climate change.
Ireland’s Climate Action Plan includes a target of reducing carbon emissions by 51% over the period to 2030 with 70% of our electricity coming from renewable sources.
Ireland has a positive opportunity when it comes to offshore renewable energy. Favourable wind speeds and sea conditions provide an ideal environment for generating green electricity offshore. Offshore renewable energy is needed to decarbonise our energy supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions – protecting our environment for current and future generations.

Environmental Assessment
Energia has commenced the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the South Irish Sea project. The purpose of EIA is to gather information on the receiving environment and to assess all impacts of the proposed development. To obtain baseline data, we are currently undertaking bird and marine mammals surveys, fisheries, archaeological, navigation and grid assessments within the study area.
Energia made a Foreshore Licence Application to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in 2019 for the South Irish Sea project to enable geotechnical, geophysical, meteorological, and oceanographic data collection.
We are awaiting the publication of further Designated Maritime Area Plans determining where the next phase of development of offshore will take place off the south east coast and Wexford.