South Irish Sea
We are facing a global climate emergency. The human, environmental and economic costs of global warming will be felt in all countries and most acutely in coastal communities. We must act now to harness the power of nature and tackle the climate crisis.
Ireland’s Climate Action Plan aims to reduce carbon emissions by 51% and to generate 80% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. At least 7GW of electricity will come from offshore wind, providing the clean, affordable, and reliable energy that our communities and businesses need.
South Irish Sea is an offshore renewable energy project proposed to be located a minimum of 10km and up to 25km off the coasts of Wexford and south Wicklow. The project will help to decarbonise our energy supply and reduce emissions – protecting the environment for current and future generations. The project is at the early stage of the environmental assessment process. The information gathered during this phase will help to identify and refine a suitable location for the wind farm.
South Irish Sea will deliver substantial environmental and economic benefits for coastal and fishing communities in line with the Government’s Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS).
Project Components

Project Timeline
Foreshore Licence
Environmental Surveys
Stakeholder Engagement &
Fisheries Liaison Officers Appointed
Ongoing Environmental
Consultation 1:
Award of
Foreshore Licence
Surveys and site
Consultation 2:
EIA Scoping &
Emerging Options
Offshore design including
array location and layout, cable
corridor, offshore substation
Onshore design including
landfall location, grid connection
and onshore cable corridor
Consultation 3: Refined Proposal
Lodgement of Planning Application
Statutory Consultation
Planning Decision and
Grid Connection Offer
Commercial Operation Date (COD) to be determined